Here’s how you can find free weighing scale in Suvarnabhumi Airport at Bangkok.
Bangkok offers a shopping paradise with many items available at affordable prices. By the end of your trip, you’ll find yourself carrying a heavy suitcase loaded with all the purchases you made. Personally, I noticed my suitcase weighed significantly as I stopped at Big C Mart and packed my belongings without much consideration.

Since I booked a budget airline, I was worried that my luggage weighed 15 kilograms. And I would have to pay for it when I checked it.
1. Paid Carrier wrapping service

So when I first arrived at Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport, I looked around for a place to have my luggage weighed. The first thing I saw was a luggage wrapping service. They wrap your suitcase to protect it from damage. They also have a big scale so you can check the weight. However, it costs 10 baht to use the scale, which isn’t a lot of money. But I didn’t want to pay multiple times because I might have to take multiple measurements while removing my luggage.
2. Free weighing scale in Suvarnabhumi Airport Locations
I found a Free weighing scale in Suvarnabhumi Airport : in front of Y4, just past the ticketing counter at the gate and the oversized hydration area inside. The restrooms are right next door, so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding a seat.

The airport was crowded, but there were very few people using the machines. So I was able to check the weight comfortably.

As anticipated, I felt the weight of my suitcase, well over 20 kilograms. And I knew I’d face extra charges if I checked it. Therefore, I opted to downsize my luggage. Due to the congestion on the immigration level, I descended the stairs, where I spread out and unpacked my suitcase. I reorganized my belongings, transforming some into a backpack slung over my shoulder, successfully lowering the suitcase’s weight to 17 kilograms. Although still exceeding 15 kilograms, I lacked the confidence to further reduce it before checking my luggage. Fortunately, no additional fee was imposed for the excess weight.
In this post, I talked about how to find free weighing scale in Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok. If you need to check your luggage weight at Suvarnabhumi Airport. I hope you can find the right place and use the scales for free.