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When traveling to Sapporo, you’ll likely explore various cities across Hokkaido, including the picturesque city of Hakodate. One of the essential aspects of a hassle-free trip is understanding how to purchase and use the Hakodate Transportation Pass. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to navigate Hakodate’s public transport seamlessly.

Hakodate Bus

Hakodate Public Transportation

Hakodate offers two primary modes of public transportation: trams and buses.

Hakodate Bus

As a compact port city, Hakodate allows you to visit all major tourist spots via these convenient options. Whether you want to visit the stunning Hakodate Mountain Observatory, the historic Goryokaku Tower, or the charming Kanemori Red Brick Warehouse, both trams and buses can get you there. While some walking is involved, the transportation pass ensures you can move around the city effortlessly.

How to Purchase the Hakodate Transportation Pass

Most visitors arrive in Hakodate via JR trains. Upon arrival at Hakodate Station, head to the tourist information center where you can purchase the Hakodate Transportation Pass. Simply inform the staff in English that you wish to buy a transportation pass, and they will assist you promptly.

Hakodate Station Tourist Center

Alternatively, you can purchase the pass directly from tram drivers. When the tram stops, approach the driver and request the transportation pass. Be prepared to pay with cash, and you can obtain the pass immediately.

Types and Prices of Hakodate Transportation Passes

Hakodate Transportation Pass type

Hakodate offers three types of transportation passes:

  1. One-Day Tram Pass: Unlimited tram rides for one day.
  2. One-Day Bus Pass: Unlimited bus rides for one day.
  3. Half-Day Pass: Unlimited rides on both trams and buses for half a day.

Before purchasing, consider how frequently you’ll use public transportation. The tram pass starts at 210 yen, so if you plan to ride more than three times, purchasing the pass is cost-effective. Additionally, decide whether you need only trams or both trams and buses. While major attractions are accessible by tram alone, some accommodations or specific sites may require bus usage.

For instance, if your hotel is conveniently located near a bus stop, you might benefit from a pass that covers both trams and buses. Personally, I opted for a pass that includes both, as my hotel was easily accessible by bus, and I planned to explore Hakodate extensively over two days.

What the Hakodate Transportation Pass Looks Like

Hakodate Transportation Pass:

The Hakodate Transportation Pass is compact and folds in half to fit comfortably in your wallet. The inside of the pass features dates for you to select your travel days. Simply scratch off the date you plan to use it and present the pass to the tram or bus driver when boarding. This straightforward, analog method ensures easy usage, even within the tram itself. When purchasing at the Hakodate Station tourist center, inform the staff of your intended start date, and they will activate your pass accordingly. For multi-day passes, only the start date needs to be scratched off.

How to Use the Hakodate Transportation Pass

Hakodate Tram

Using the pass on both trams and buses is straightforward. Enter through the back door and obtain a ticket from the machine, then, upon exiting, check the number on the monitor near the bus stop to pay the corresponding fare. However, with the transportation pass, you can bypass purchasing individual tickets. Simply show your pass to the driver when boarding, and enjoy unlimited rides without additional payments.

Explore Hakodate with Ease

Hakodate may be a small city, but it’s filled with charming sights and attractions, making it worth visiting multiple times. By purchasing the Hakodate Transportation Pass, you can explore the city economically and efficiently. Additionally, if you plan to travel extensively across Hokkaido, consider the Hokkaido Rail Pass for more comprehensive transportation coverage. For more details, refer to our detailed post on Hokkaido Rail Pass.